Promoting & Facilitating Environmental Sustainability in Swansea
“The greatest challenge we face in the world today is to ensure that the impact of our actions does not threaten our environment and the welfare of others around the world or put at risk the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”
Who we are…
Swansea Environmental Forum (SEF) is the strategic partnership for all aspects of the natural and built environment in Swansea. It is an independent and constituted member organisation set up over 30 years ago and managed by representatives from voluntary groups and public sector bodies.
Our vision…
Our vision is ambitious and presents a Swansea where:
“The natural environment we inherited is safeguarded and improved for the future; local people have better opportunities for work, learning and leisure, but the quality of life of others around the world is also respected; and where everyone understands and values the environment and tries to live more sustainably. We must all do our bit to ensure that decisions made now do not create problems for future generations.”
Our aim and objectives…
We aim to promote & facilitate environmental sustainability by:
- influencing policy and action
- driving behaviour change
- encouraging and supporting partnership working
- developing and supporting environmental projects and innovation
- providing expertise, collating evidence and highlighting priority areas for action.