New Toolkit of Resources for Community-led Transport Solutions

During 2022, SEF collaborated with SCVS and 4theRegion to identify local transport and travel needs, and co-produce ways to solve them – through a range of pilot projects, several engagement events and a suite of resources. ‘Getting Around Swansea’, the Community-Led Sustainable Transport Solutions project aimed to strengthen sustainable transport and active travel in Swansea, […]

Swansea Bay Healthy Travel Charter Launched

On 25th May, Swansea University hosted the launch of the Swansea Bay Healthy Travel Charter, signed by 11 leading organisations from across the region. At the Bay Campus, the University, along with Swansea Bay University Health Board, Natural Resources Wales, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Gower College, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea Council, Swansea […]

Vision of a Sustainable Food Swansea

People from across Swansea met at a Food Forum event in March to envision a sustainable food system for Swansea – part of Bwyd Abertawe’s work to make Swansea a “Sustainable Food Place” – part of the Sustainable Food Places Network. A recording was made of the online event and can be viewed on YouTube […]

Our Health and Climate Change

Renew Wales organised an inspiring and informative webinar focused on Public Health Wales’ Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change in Wales and how community and third sector organisations can enable communities to plan and respond to the impacts. The whole session was recorded and the video uploaded to YouTube: As well as a presentation […]

Call for Race to Zero in Wales

SwanseaCAN hosted an online talk by environmental campaigner Liz Hutchins on the Race to Zero initiative. The presentation included an introduction to the UN-backed worldwide programme and also highlighted the benefits of the Doughnut Economics approach to sustainability. Liz called for every city and local authority in Wales to join the Race to Zero and […]